Archive for the ‘ Movies ’ Category

Red and Gold :Iron Man 2 and all it’s awesome-ness

HELLOOOOO WORLD, how are you all today? I Hope you’re feeling good, cause i am, haha. So, Today, I’ll be posting about the awesome  movie,

So i Just watched iron man 2 like last week, and probably all of you did too. and i’d like to post a review about the movie. and let me tell ya, it was AWESOME!! but as alot of people said the movie was all about action so the story wasn’t really that good. but it’s just a minor thing, the majority of the movie was pure awesome-ness. Well, basically the movie is about tony stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) secret identity: Iron Man is now globally known. and he becomes famous and alot of people adore him. But now, since obadiah stane is dead, a new enemy emerged, by the name of ivan vanko ( Mickey Rourke) and he is the son of anton vanko. Anton Vanko was the man who helped Howard Stark (tony’s dad) built stark industries, but both of them had different intentions, so anton vanko was fired. at the start of the movie, anton vanko died, well before he died he said to ivan “it should be you up there” pointing to the tv where tony stark is in the news. Then he died, and ivan builds the mini arc reactor ( just like in tony’s chest). then he came to the track in monaco where tony is racing, then he cut’s tony’s racing car in half with his electric whiplash powered by the mini arc reactor. then tony reaches for the “suit”case. which is a portable iron man suit that’s disguised like a suitcase, it’s not as strong as mark IV iron man suit, but it get’s the job done. then tony defeats ivan by taking the mini arc reactor out of his chest. Later in the story Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell)  recruited ivan to help him make suits and make iron man an antique. So ivan helps Hammer build the suits, but thats what hammer thought. When it was Tony’s birthday he celebrated it in his house ( i think) wearing the Mk IV suit, he was drunk because of the booze, then he goto out of control, pepper tried to stop him, but it didn’t work, so rhodey went down to the lab and he put on the customized Mk II suit, it’ s customized because it has repulsors on his hands. Thet fought and Rhodey won, and he took the Mk II suit to the air force base, and Hammer came and weaponized the suit, after he weaponized it, the Mk II suit became : War Machine


Ivan also finished making the suits, and they were called hammer drones, but that’s not all, he told hammer that the drones would just solute, but in fact, ivan was controlling them all, including the War Machine Armor, so the drones and war machine chased after Iron Man throughout the stark expo, and they crash landed somewhere in the expo. at that time Happy ( Tony’s driver) and agent romanoff ( scarlet johanson ) were fighting the guards at hammer industries and agent romanoff defeated alot of them, while happy only defeated one. and it took a long time. after that agent romanoff headed for the control room and rebooted the war machine armor, when rhodey came to, he was with tony. then agent romanoff told them that there are more incoming (drone). They argued about the position, but it was too late, alot of hammer drones arrived, and they fought them off, in the end they almost failed, but tony had a secret weapon. it’s some sort of laser that cuts everything around it, he used it, but it can only be used once. then, romanoff told them that there’s one more incoming,but with  higher repulsor readings. seconds later, whiplash (ivan) arrived with a new armor

 Whiplash Armor —————————————->


Iron Man and War Machine fought Whiplash, but they defeated him way too fast, which is a downside to me, because defeating him was not that cool, they defeated him by firing the repulsors in their palms at maximum power at the sametime at the same target which is the middle. when whiplash lost, he said to tony ‘you lose’. then his arc reactor began beeping (a bomb) and the other hammer drones did too, so war machine and tony escaped. but tony came to pepper to save her, because she was in front of one of the hammer drones, he saved her,the bombs exploded, they kissed on the rooftop, they met rhodey, a little conversation and he took off with the war machine armor, it’s because his car was destroyed in the explosion, the next day iron man was recommended to be an AVENGERS INITIATE, but not tony stark, then the next day tony and rhodey was given an award by the senator. after that the credits. AFTER THAT!!, this is a SPOILER TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NOT WATCHED THE SCENE AFTER THE CREDITS IS OVER, THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ AND/OR WATCH THE after credits scene get out!! just kidding of course,hehe. SO HERE IT IS!!, in the movie agent coulson told tony that he was reassigned to new mexico,in the scene after the credits coulson was driving to a place, when he got out of the car, he saw a crater, and he called someone and said ‘ SIR, WE FOUND HIM’ after that the camera goes down again and shows……… *DRUM ROLL* THOR’S HAMMER!!!!, you know a lot of people said that the after credits scene was a bridge to another marvel movie, that means the nextmarvel movie must be about thor!!!

well, i guess that’s it for now and here’s an official trailer of the next marvel movie THOR on cinemas may 2011, still a long time

Photos of some of the iron man 2 cast

Scarlett Johanson as Black Widow

Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko a.k.a WHIPLASH

More Posts Coming Soon

HELLOOO, people of the world, so as the title says, i’m going to add more posts, and it’s coming soon. well two of the posts is definitely about what i think, about the two awesome upcoming movies! one of them is next month, and the other, is a few months away from now. Next, is about one of my favorite games ever, portable-ized. I haven’t played it yet, cuz’ i don’t have the ***……, yet. but, i have read alot of people saying it was awesome! and i played the PS2 version which was very cool, awesome and FUN. and last but  not least, i’m going to add a few free downloads, and this time, trust me, it’ll be, awesome! (i think) well, that’s it for what’s coming soon (for now). Here’s a little spoiler about what i’m going to post soon i’ll only give you the color of it : the first post, which is about the movie to be released next month, is red and gold. Then, the second post, which is about the second movie, that’s coming a few months from now, is brown, blue, red and white,(confused?), and the last one is about the portable-ized, ps2 game, is blue and red. Guess that’s it for now, keep visiting my blog and thank you for visiting it!  Bye!

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time the Movie

helloooo,to all my blog visitors, this…. is my first post in a veeeery long time, i just discovered recently that one of my favorite video games ever, was made into a movie!!. Yup, you guessed it Prince of Persia was made into a movie, well it’s in the title, duh!,hehe. sorry that was a bit random,hehe. Well, anyway, i wanted to tell you all, a little info about the Prince of Persia Movie,some of you may already know about this upcoming movie, i’m posting this so that the people who didn’t know that this movie was coimg,will know. sorry for the bad english.  Well first things first, here’s the movie poster   



cool isn’t it?   

well what i found out recently about this movie, that it was supposed to be released at July 10, 2009, before having a final script or any actors attached,and ithink that the movie’s features will be mixed between the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones,that’s what i think anyway well here’s a little (or should i say a lot) info i picked up from wikipedia:   

In March 2004, the production company Jerry Bruckheimer Films sought to acquire feature film rights to the 2003 video game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time with the film to be distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Under John August as executive producer, the series’ creator Jordan Mechner was hired to write the script. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s Pirates of the Caribbean film trilogy served as a touchstone in how a theme park ride was converted into a film franchise, and Rather than do a straight beat-for-beat adaptation of the new videogame, they are taking some cool elements from the game and using them to craft a new story   

Early in 2007, Disney announced Prince of Persia as one of its tentpole films and by June had scheduled a release date for July 10, 2009 before having a final script or any actors attached. By November 2007, Disney entered negotiations with Mike Newell to direct the film based on a script by Mechner and Nachmanoff, though the studio held off production until the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike was resolved. Newell was fond of Bruckheimer’s films, and loved the “exciting [and] immensely romantic” script, which reminded him of Lost Horizon. His assistant played the video games and gave the director key details. Mechner, in writing the script, re-conceived the storyline to shift the perspective from the interactive one experienced by video gamers to the non-interactive experience by film audiences. The screenwriter left out elements of the Prince of Persia video games Warrior Within and The Two Thrones and did not anticipate including these elements in the film’s possible sequels. okay that was the info about the production of this movie, and now the casting   

On May 20, 2008 it was announced that Jake Gyllenhaal is to portray Dastan, the protagonist of the film. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer explained his choice, “He’s a wonderful actor. He’s someone I’ve been watching for a long time and somebody I’ve always wanted to work with.” Gyllenhaal claims he “over-prepared for the role, gaining five or six pounds of muscle. The actor says, “…I never knew how much they were going to ask me to do, so I just made sure I’d be hopefully able to do anything.” Gemma Arterton was announced to play the role of protagonist Tamina and Arterton reported she practiced horse back riding in Madrid before filming Ben Kingsley is to portray the film’s antagonist, Nizam. Alfred Molina is to portray a character named Sheik Amar, who becomes a mentor to the prince. Toby Kebbell is to play a prince of Persia, Dastan’s brother, and head of the Persian army.   

here are the photos of the Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time Cast   

Jake Gyllenhaal   



Gemma Arterton   

well,for the photos that’s all for now i promise i’ll add more later, and now…….. the official Trailer of The Prince of Persia Movie   

Primce of Persia : The Sands of Time   

well, guess that’s it for now, catch you guys later and thanks for visiting 😀   

Transformers:Revenge of The Fallen

Hmm… This Might be too late to post,but i’ll post it anyway,hehe,well last week i watched Transformers:Revenge of  The Fallen,and that film was,totally awesome :D,and the new additions to the autobots were totally cool,especially sideswipe,and the new decepticons were also cool,hehe,especially sideways and the tank megatron,well to make it clear how cool the film was,here are the images of the cars (and robots) in the movie,CREDITS to egmcartech and filmgrenade , i got the pictures from those sites,oh yeah and the last thing,the rumors that jazz is going to return in the second movie,not true,i wish it was true though,hehe,well enough of this chit chat here are the images


Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime













Optimus Prime Truck











Optimus Prime is the leader of The Autobots,he is the most powerful of all the autobots,(well that’s what i think,anyway),somewhere in the movie,Optimus fought a lot of decepticons,including starscream and megatron,alone,while the other autobots were on their way to help Optimus.For a while victory was on Optimus’ side,but then,suddenly,when optimus thought he had destroyed all of the decpticons there,and when Optimus was focussing on sam’s life,Megatron impales him from behind,and i thought he was dead,but he wasn’t,megatron put him in a stasis lock.He was in the “stasis lock” mode for quite a while,until almost at the end of the movie,sam put the matrix of  leadership in his chest,and he was brought back to life,but suddenly The Fallen took the matrix of leadership out of his chest and made him weak again,then,the heavily wounded  Jetfire,told Optimus to take his parts (since he no longer needs them),and then Jolt and Electrify fused their parts to become this

Optimus + Jetfire

Optimus + Jetfire


















Of course,what Transformers movie would be complete without our robot hero Bumblebee?the answer to that is no!. No Trasnformers movie would ever be complete without bumblebee,and what’s even better that Bumblebee is new,improved,and better than ever,Bumblebee’s car version is the new (and i think still concept)2010 Chevrolet Camaro,it’s way more cooler than the last one,check it out


Bumblebee car 2010 Chevy Camaro



















Bumblebee  also known as “Sam’s guardian”,well,i can’t say much about him,you all know everything about him,hehe.


Well,the next ones are Ironhide and Ratchet,Ironhide’s vehicle version is a 2007  GMC Topkick C4500,while Ratchet’s Vehicle version is a lime yellow 2008 Hummer H2,well here are their pictures

First,  Ironhide

Ironhide vehicle version



























Ratchet Hummer H2





























Well,these are the robots from The First film,now i will show you,the new additions to the autobots and decepticons


Sideswipe Chevy Corvette Stingray Concept























SideSwipe’s Vehicle version is The Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Concept,which is very cool


Skids and Mudflap also known as “The Twins”

New Autobots










Skids green 2009 chevrolet beat and Mudflap Red 2009 Chevrolet Trax

Skids And Mudflap











Arcee is actually made of  3 robot bikes 


arcee1    arcee2                                                   arcee3                                                





When the three combines it looks like this

Arcee Combined













Cool,isn’t it?

The next is Jetfire i only have his picture in the aircraft mode,couldn’t find the robot mode,hehe,sorry










Well,that’s it for the autobots the next is the decepticons




SideWays Audi A8









Rough Sketch Sideways












And Megatron













Megatron was brought back to live by the decepticons,but this time he’s way more powerful,and now he transforms into a cybertronian tank,

unlike the first movie,i think it was a cybertronian aircraft

Well,i guess that’s it for the decepticons,sorry i only gave you all a very minimum info on the decepticons,i didn’t have a lot of time in my hands,and my fingers are getting tired too, 😀

Thanks for Reading,leave a comment of what you think about this,and i’ll change it when i can,ok?