Red and Gold :Iron Man 2 and all it’s awesome-ness

HELLOOOOO WORLD, how are you all today? I Hope you’re feeling good, cause i am, haha. So, Today, I’ll be posting about the awesome  movie,

So i Just watched iron man 2 like last week, and probably all of you did too. and i’d like to post a review about the movie. and let me tell ya, it was AWESOME!! but as alot of people said the movie was all about action so the story wasn’t really that good. but it’s just a minor thing, the majority of the movie was pure awesome-ness. Well, basically the movie is about tony stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) secret identity: Iron Man is now globally known. and he becomes famous and alot of people adore him. But now, since obadiah stane is dead, a new enemy emerged, by the name of ivan vanko ( Mickey Rourke) and he is the son of anton vanko. Anton Vanko was the man who helped Howard Stark (tony’s dad) built stark industries, but both of them had different intentions, so anton vanko was fired. at the start of the movie, anton vanko died, well before he died he said to ivan “it should be you up there” pointing to the tv where tony stark is in the news. Then he died, and ivan builds the mini arc reactor ( just like in tony’s chest). then he came to the track in monaco where tony is racing, then he cut’s tony’s racing car in half with his electric whiplash powered by the mini arc reactor. then tony reaches for the “suit”case. which is a portable iron man suit that’s disguised like a suitcase, it’s not as strong as mark IV iron man suit, but it get’s the job done. then tony defeats ivan by taking the mini arc reactor out of his chest. Later in the story Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell)  recruited ivan to help him make suits and make iron man an antique. So ivan helps Hammer build the suits, but thats what hammer thought. When it was Tony’s birthday he celebrated it in his house ( i think) wearing the Mk IV suit, he was drunk because of the booze, then he goto out of control, pepper tried to stop him, but it didn’t work, so rhodey went down to the lab and he put on the customized Mk II suit, it’ s customized because it has repulsors on his hands. Thet fought and Rhodey won, and he took the Mk II suit to the air force base, and Hammer came and weaponized the suit, after he weaponized it, the Mk II suit became : War Machine


Ivan also finished making the suits, and they were called hammer drones, but that’s not all, he told hammer that the drones would just solute, but in fact, ivan was controlling them all, including the War Machine Armor, so the drones and war machine chased after Iron Man throughout the stark expo, and they crash landed somewhere in the expo. at that time Happy ( Tony’s driver) and agent romanoff ( scarlet johanson ) were fighting the guards at hammer industries and agent romanoff defeated alot of them, while happy only defeated one. and it took a long time. after that agent romanoff headed for the control room and rebooted the war machine armor, when rhodey came to, he was with tony. then agent romanoff told them that there are more incoming (drone). They argued about the position, but it was too late, alot of hammer drones arrived, and they fought them off, in the end they almost failed, but tony had a secret weapon. it’s some sort of laser that cuts everything around it, he used it, but it can only be used once. then, romanoff told them that there’s one more incoming,but with  higher repulsor readings. seconds later, whiplash (ivan) arrived with a new armor

 Whiplash Armor —————————————->


Iron Man and War Machine fought Whiplash, but they defeated him way too fast, which is a downside to me, because defeating him was not that cool, they defeated him by firing the repulsors in their palms at maximum power at the sametime at the same target which is the middle. when whiplash lost, he said to tony ‘you lose’. then his arc reactor began beeping (a bomb) and the other hammer drones did too, so war machine and tony escaped. but tony came to pepper to save her, because she was in front of one of the hammer drones, he saved her,the bombs exploded, they kissed on the rooftop, they met rhodey, a little conversation and he took off with the war machine armor, it’s because his car was destroyed in the explosion, the next day iron man was recommended to be an AVENGERS INITIATE, but not tony stark, then the next day tony and rhodey was given an award by the senator. after that the credits. AFTER THAT!!, this is a SPOILER TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NOT WATCHED THE SCENE AFTER THE CREDITS IS OVER, THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ AND/OR WATCH THE after credits scene get out!! just kidding of course,hehe. SO HERE IT IS!!, in the movie agent coulson told tony that he was reassigned to new mexico,in the scene after the credits coulson was driving to a place, when he got out of the car, he saw a crater, and he called someone and said ‘ SIR, WE FOUND HIM’ after that the camera goes down again and shows……… *DRUM ROLL* THOR’S HAMMER!!!!, you know a lot of people said that the after credits scene was a bridge to another marvel movie, that means the nextmarvel movie must be about thor!!!

well, i guess that’s it for now and here’s an official trailer of the next marvel movie THOR on cinemas may 2011, still a long time

Photos of some of the iron man 2 cast

Scarlett Johanson as Black Widow

Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko a.k.a WHIPLASH

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