Archive for April 21st, 2010

More Posts Coming Soon

HELLOOO, people of the world, so as the title says, i’m going to add more posts, and it’s coming soon. well two of the posts is definitely about what i think, about the two awesome upcoming movies! one of them is next month, and the other, is a few months away from now. Next, is about one of my favorite games ever, portable-ized. I haven’t played it yet, cuz’ i don’t have the ***……, yet. but, i have read alot of people saying it was awesome! and i played the PS2 version which was very cool, awesome and FUN. and last but  not least, i’m going to add a few free downloads, and this time, trust me, it’ll be, awesome! (i think) well, that’s it for what’s coming soon (for now). Here’s a little spoiler about what i’m going to post soon i’ll only give you the color of it : the first post, which is about the movie to be released next month, is red and gold. Then, the second post, which is about the second movie, that’s coming a few months from now, is brown, blue, red and white,(confused?), and the last one is about the portable-ized, ps2 game, is blue and red. Guess that’s it for now, keep visiting my blog and thank you for visiting it!  Bye!